By Prof. Dr. Daniela Hacke and Dr. Luc Wodzicki
Funded by Dahlem Humanities Center
Dahlem Humanities Center Network Thing Knowledge. Sensory-Historical Perception Processes in Transcultural Spaces of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (13th-19th Century) [German: Dingwissen. Sinneshistorische Wahrnehmungsprozesse in transkulturellen Räumen des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (13.-19. Jahrhundert)]
The DHC Network “Dingwissen” [“Thing Knowledge”] connects the expertise of academic, institutional, and museum practice and research, focusing on cooperation between the Freie Universität Berlin and the Forschungscampus Dahlem [Dahlem Research Campus, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation]. Its primary emphasis is on the connection of senses, things, and knowledge. To this end, the network investigates processes of sensory perception in transcultural spaces during the encounter with and handling of things.