Tag Archives: Sound

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IMS Study Group “Auditory History”

By Dr. des. Tin Cugelj (University of Bern), Salih Demirtaş (Istanbul Technical University)

Concieved during the 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress in Athens in August 2022, IMS Study Group Auditory History is an international and interdisciplinary forum for scholars at all career stages established to stimulate an exchange of current research on global auditory experiences and sonic environments of the past. To achieve that, the study group favors multisensorial approaches to discourse within sound studies and also encourages inclusion of historical, cultural, and acoustemological perspectives on aurality. It aims to facilitate critical discussion, theory-building, and long-term collaboration across disciplinary boundaries: anthropology, archaeology, architecture and art history, ecology, history, literature, musicology, sociology, philosophy. It focuses on aspects of the acoustic environment such as subjectivity, memory, sonic heritage, emotion and affect, spatial and social dimensions of sound, and history of auditory perception. Importantly, the study group is committed to cultural diversity and inclusivity.

Study Group Website

Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia Universalis, unpaginiert, 1650.

Network “Soundscapes in the Early Modern World”

By Dr. Rachel Willie and Dr. Emilie Murphy

Funded by AHRC

‘Soundscapes in the Early Modern World’,  is an AHRC-funded international research network that examines how sonic interaction shaped identities c. 1500-1800. It aims to develop new approaches to hearing the sounds of the early modern world, reflect on how we engage with historical soundscapes, and consider the multifaceted relationship between meaning and hearing.

Project Website