Call for Papers – Journée d’études “L’Empire des sens. Une histoire sensorielle des empires coloniaux (XVe-XXe siècle)”. En format hybride le vendredi 25 avril 2025 à l’Université Paris-Est Créteil
Continue reading L’Empire des sens. Une histoire sensorielle des empires coloniaux (XVe-XXe siècle)Tag Archives: Early Modern
Sensing the Materiality of the Early Modern Islamic World
Call for Papers – Sensing the Materiality of the Early Modern Islamic World, Utrecht University, May 22-23 2025
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Society for Renaissance Studies Biennial Conference, Bristol, 2-5 July 2025: Seminar on “Sound and the Senses”
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“Seeing the Unseen World”
Seeing the Unseen World: Countering the Vision-Centric Landscape in Narratives of the Witches’ Sabbath
Continue reading “Seeing the Unseen World”Sensescapes of War and Ritual in the Early Modern Islamic World
Call for Papers – Sensescapes of War and Ritual in the Early Modern Islamic World, c. 1500-1800, Utrecht University – February 13-14 2025
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Expression Sensible
By Rémi Digonnet
Sensory Expression/Expression Sensible aims to be a digital space, with no anchorage in any specific space or time, dedicated to discussions about the senses and their expressions. It is a paradox to try to express a sensory world digitally; to question sensory expression in this way is undoubtedly a challenge, but the constraint of the digital can offer at the same time a useful critical distance from the sensory domain. This tension between the apparent immediacy felt through the senses and their mediated formulations calls into question this double articulation between the experienced and perceived senses on the one hand and the mediated and translated senses on the other. What kind of adequation exists between them, or rather, what kind of inadequacy is generated by such a tension? Besides advertising recent publications on the senses, scientific events, or sensory cartographies, the journal intends to publish thematic issues dedicated to the senses and their expressions.

David Cranz’s “Historie von Grönland”
Achieving Acoustic Hegemony: David Cranz’s “Historie von Grönland” as a Source for the Sound History of Early Modern Missions
by Rafael Torra
Continue reading David Cranz’s “Historie von Grönland”International Conference “Sensory Histories of Water”
Call for Papers – International Conference Sensory Histories of Water
2-4 April 2025 at Museu Marítim de Barcelona, Spain

“Tasting the Ship’s Biscuit”
Not Just a Stale Piece: Tasting the Ship’s Biscuit in the Early Modern Mediterranean
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Gian Giacomo del Conte’s “Il Libro del Sarto”
Il Libro del Sarto: Remarks on the Sensory History of Clothing and Textile Products During the Italian Renaissance
Continue reading Gian Giacomo del Conte’s “Il Libro del Sarto”