Tag Archives: Art

Logo of Recipes Project. Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine

The Recipes Project. Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine

By Dr. Amanda E. Herbert, Dr. R. A. Kashanipour, Dr. Sarah Peters Kernan, Dr. Joshua Schlachet, Dr. Jessica Clark, and Dr. Melissa Reynolds

The Recipes Project is a collaborative international research community that brings together and showcases interdisciplinary research on recipes across broad temporal and geographic spans, from the ancient Mesoamerica to twentieth-century Belgium, and from postwar Japan to medieval Egypt. We cover a range of thematic areas, including the history of medicine and science, food history, studies of magic, art and making, and digital technologies and literacies. We also provide resources for anyone interested in searching for and studying historic recipes, and we highlight the wonderful ways in which community members use recipes in teaching and learning. Founded by Elaine Leong and Lisa Smith in 2012, the Recipes Project now features the work of hundreds of international contributors from many different career pathways and stages. We publish quarterly issues on set themes and are always interested in welcoming more contributors to our community.

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